Power ranking is completed using Athletic.net.

Each team wishing to be ranked must enter three athletes per event, being careful to not enter an athlete in more than four total events.  4 athletes must be entered for each relay event.  If you wish to put an athlete in a relay who has not run on it yet please substitute their open time with the open time of the athlete you are removing.  If a team is found to have entered relay times that are not accurate for the 4 athletes entered, the coach will be contacted and asked to clarify or correct their entries, this is their one(1) warning.  If relay times are still incorrect with no clarification the following week, that relay event will not be scored.  Coaches are encouraged to email careyhammel@gmail.com if they suspect teams of incorrectly entering relay times.

All times entered must be ACTUAL MEET PERFORMANCES during the 2024 MHSAA season, including indoor performances IF they are at the same distance during the season and while competing on the school team(No MITS season marks may be used).

There are four different meets on athletic.net — you join the proper one and then enter your athletes the same as you would in any other meet — you do NOT ENTER MEET RESULTS in these meets — you enter the athletes in the meet as ENTRIES using seed times that are appropriate.

DO NOT ENTER RESULTS AS RESULTS, rather enter your athletes in the meet using their best time as their seed time AS AN ENTRY. If you enter results it will affect performance lists, etc., and it will NOT be used for rankings.

The power ranking meets are scored based on THIRTY team scoring (90 individuals and 30 teams).

UP Teams, you are invited in the LP Division you would fall under and welcome to enter Power Rankings and attend the meet if you qualify!

Power Ranking entries will be due at 10:00 p.m. Monday of each week and the Rankings will be posted 8:00 p.m. that Wednesday.

Entries will be due as follows at 10:00 p.m. each week in 2024, except for the Final Week:
Week 1: April 15th – Top 2 Teams qualify – D1D2D3D4
Week 2: April 22nd – Top 4 Teams qualify – D1D2D3D4
Week 3: April 29th – Top 6 Teams qualify – D1D2D3D4
Week 4: May 6th – Top 8 Teams qualify – D1D2D3D4
Week 5: May 13th – Top 10 Teams qualify – D1D2D3D4
Week 6: Sunday May 19th (Due at Noon) – Final Week – Top 16 Teams qualify in each division. (Final Week rankings will be released no later than 10pm Sunday May 19th)

Monday May 20th at NOON – All teams qualifying for Team State finalized. All Power Ranked or Regional Champ qualified teams should be prepared to accept invites by no later than Noon on Monday May 20th.

We encourage any teams who DO NOT plan on attending Team State, to not participate on the Power Rankings or at the very least remove your team from the rankings by the final week.

The MITCA Team State Meets in Track & Field are meets that are put on by MITCA in an attempt to have a true Team State Champion in each Division. True team scoring means that each team is allowed 3 entries per individual event and 1 relay team. Depending on the number of teams 1st place in individual events scores the total number of entries allowed, with 2nd place earning 1 less point, all the way down to the final place scoring 1 point. Relays score double of individual event total and decrease by 6.

In order to place well at Team State teams are required to have depth across all 17 events of Track & Field.

Currently qualification is awarded to MHSAA Regional Champions and earned by participating in the MITCA Power Rankings; the top 16 Power Ranked teams in Division 1 and the top 16 Power Ranked teams in Divisions 2, 3 & 4 will qualify. Team State meets are held over Memorial Day Weekend.

2024 MITCA Team State Locations:
D1 – Zeeland East – Friday, May 24th – Info Sheet
D2 – Berrien Springs – Friday, May 24th – Info Sheet
D3 – Clare – Saturday, May 25th – Info Sheet
D4 – Mt. Pleasant – Saturday, May 25th – Info Sheet