For questions regarding Academic All State Awards, contact the MITCA AAS Coordinator,Chairs – Asa & Traci Kelly (Benzie Central):  or 231-871-0509
Division 1 – Kyle Barnes (Holland West Ottawa) – 
Division 2 – Steve Long (Otsego) –
Division 3 – Dean Blackledge (Hanover Horton) –  or 517-414-5132
Division 4 – Andrea Atwood (White Cloud) –
UP – Gary Whitmer – or 906-428-4219

Since Finals Place factors into this award, please do not fill out this form until AFTER the State Finals have been completed. Coaches are encouraged to get your GPA information together early, however.
Academic All State Info

Academic All State Awards are based on a 4.0 grading scale and submitted to 3 decimal places (ie 3.985).

If your school uses weighted grades for AP or other courses, then it is the responsibility of the coach or person submitting to convert the grades (BY HAND IF NECESSARY) to a 4.0 Scale.

Taking a GPA of 4.234 and simply truncating it to 4.000 is NOT an acceptable conversion.

If a student has earned a “A-” … in ANY class … EVER … he/she does NOT have a 4.0 GPA for the purposes of Academic All State Awards.  A 4.000 means that a student has earned ALL “A” grades, EVERY semester so far.

An “A” in an Advanced Placement class is worth 4.000. An “A” in a college-dual-enrollment class is worth 4.00.  An “A” in Sub-Remedial-Basket-Weaving-For-Dummies is worth 4.00

The following grading scale MUST be used (converted from 5.0 as necessary). AN A- DOES NOT = A 4.0. If this grading scale is not used by your school, you must convert your athlete’s current GPA to reflect this scale. 
A = 4.0
A- = 3.7
B+ = 3.3
B = 3.0
B- = 2.7
C+ = 2.3
C = 2.0
C- = 1.7
D+ = 1.3
D = 1.0
D- = 0.7
F = 0.0
You may need to go through each grade in the student’s transcript and total them up and calculate the average.  Submissions that are made incorrectly will not be considered.

2024 MITCA Cross Country Academic All State Submission Form